Bracket Racing Overview
This is the grassroots of the sport. Considered a "run what ya brung" class, bracket racing is still a drag race contest of straight-line acceleration between two vehicles from a standing start over a specified distance, usually a quarter-mile or an eighth-mile. Racers line up in front of an electronic countdown starting device affectionately nicknamed a Christmas Tree.
Bracket racers are handicapped based on their own anticipated elapsed time - how long they think it will take them to reach the finish line, known as the Dial In time. In a side-by-side race, the slower car will leave the starting line first.
When the cars leave the starting line, electronic timers record the driver's reaction time and how much time it takes to reach the finish line. Top speed is also recorded, but does not determine a winner in a bracket race.
The first racer to reach the finish line without going faster than their Dial In, is declared the winner. Bracket racing allows virtually any vehicle to compete in a drag race, from full race cars to diesel pickups to family grocery getters. If you can cut a good light and are a consistent driver, you can be a bracket-racing champion – regardless of the speed of your vehicle or the size of your bank account.
Many current professional and semi-professional drag racers got their start and honed their skills bracket racing at their local track.
Street/Strip Car
- Stock chassis, 11" slick tires
- Modified suspension/motor/trans
- Race or pump gas
- Average ETs of 10.5 @ 125 mph to 11.99 @ 110 mph
Street Car
- Stock chassis, suspension, trans
- Bolt-on engine mods
- DOT Drag Radial tires
- 10.4 @ 133 mph to 13.5 @ 100 mph